21 novembre 2008
par JDCh

Démagolène ou Auxabry ?

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At 3:59 PM, novembre 28, 2008, Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

C'est la chuttte fiii-nalee...

Heilbroner told the truth:

Socialism...must depend for its economic direction on some form of planning, and for its culture on some form of commitment to the idea of a morally conscious collectivity....

If tradition cannot, and the market system should not, underpin the socialist order, we are left with some form of command as the necessary means for securing its continuance and adaptation. Indeed, that is what planning means...

The factories and stores and farms and shops of a socialist socioeconomic formation must be coordinated...and this coordination must entail obedience to a central plan...

The rights of individuals to their Millian liberties [are] directly opposed to the basic social commitment to a deliberately embraced collective moral goal... Under socialism, every dissenting voice raises a threat similar to that raised under a democracy by those who preach antidemocracy.

Capitalism has been as unmistakable a success as socialism has been a failure. Here is the part that's hard to swallow. It has been the Friedmans, Hayeks, and von Miseses who have maintained that capitalism would flourish and that socialism would develop incurable ailments. All three have regarded capitalism as the 'natural' system of free men; all have maintained that left to its own devices capitalism would achieve material growth more successfully than any other system. From [my samplings] I draw the following discomforting generalization: The farther to the right one looks, the more prescient has been the historical foresight; the farther to the left, the less so.

Well done my friend!

At 2:37 PM, décembre 09, 2008, Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

1 chef, 1 seule tête, pas de débat démocratique c'est mieux. Et bientôt tout le monde au pas.

At 8:42 PM, mai 27, 2009, Anonymous antony a dit...

ahahah bien vu pour la photo


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